Sunday, January 18, 2009

7 of Swords

"Sevens take a stand based on an unseen but strongly felt inner truth"

"Sevens deal with the activation of imagination and of manifesting results in our lives through the use of conscious thought and awareness."

"The Seven of Swords is a card rather disliked by many readers.

This is the "thief" card, the one who steals your possessions, your ideas, or even your heart.
This one is sneaky and calculating.

Where's the mysticism in this card?

What's so lofty or spiritual about this guy? Sevens are rather solitary action cards,
in that the seeker is acting upon deeply held beliefs of their own. Our spiritual quest is, ultimately, a solitary one and the sevens depict figures engaging in thought, action, feelings and ponderings that are unique to themselves.

In this card, the main figure has decided to act upon a plan that he devised and is carrying out on his own. Whether the action is ultimately just or unjust isn't clear from the card. He could be reclaiming what is rightfully his, or he could be stealing outright. He is engaging in some dangerous activity, though, which is a primary reason he's keeping this all to himself.

This is sometimes called the Lone Wolf card because of his acting apart from the group, keeping his thoughts to himself, maybe behaving a bit oddly. He believes he knows what's best and will do it whether he has support or not from others. He takes his own counsel, wise or not."

just as the last time i drew this card, i was at a party. a party that i really would have rather have stayed home for. i also left 'early' just like last time. Also like the last time...i actually had a good time playing music and was pleasantly surprized about it*

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