Tuesday, January 6, 2009

7 of Disks


Daily Number: 7

exercise patience and spend some quiet time with people who inspire you* *taken from: http://www. tarot.com

Be reminded that progress is achieved most effortlessly when right action is taken without concern for immediate reward, and when the path of the weaker aligns with that which is strong.

Positively - The card indicates patience and finding our true vocation. Taking measures to avoid the status quo. Development of unique work habits. Originality. Ethical earning. Not being corrupted by materialism. Knowing when enough is enough. Correct apportionment. Taking pause. Indicates closeness to nature, to land or animals. Simple needs. Providing for ourselves without greed or abuse. Handiwork.

judging from where the 'farmers' gaze is directed, and even from the color of his outer garment, i've associated this card with the sephiroth of Hod.
upon reading about this Sephiroth, and it's particular assciations, i can see laready how the flow of this day's events can be related to it. today i have spent a good amount of time communicating with musicians about booking dates at the venue where i run sound. Working out details, and sharing ideas about co-biling etc.
i guess it should be noted that i do not get paid for this particular service, and that this also relates to the card. according to Crowley, in a well-dignified position, this card pertains to:

Honorable work undertaken for the love of work with no expectation of material gain

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