Saturday, January 3, 2009

5 of Wands (Strife)

FIVE OF  WANDS (upright)

Considering alternative approaches. Willingness. Zeal.

Challenges which, when handled right, can yield new ventures.

Working in conjunction with others to reach the goal. Reorganizations. Fruitful associations. Adding support to a difficult problem. 

Overcoming difficult obstacles. Bravery. Competitions and sport.

Negatively - Involvement in projects which drain energy, lead nowhere and benefit no one. Working under compulsion. Doing or taking on too much, creating disorder. Fruitless efforts, waste. Choosing the most awkward and uneconomical way to proceed. Disagreements and disputes. Being blocked by others. Jealousies. Time to check the resolve of others. Problems caused by a single person. Occurs when one is about to create more work for themselves or when one seeks overly for external distractions. Denotes the need for economy in life. To delegate and select with care. Denotes repressed anger, hostility or frustration which must be purged. Need for a re-orientation in the self, a change of the identity toward greater harmony and balance. This may be facilitated by adaptation, a change in the routine and of self-challenge.

Lust and desire

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