Sunday, January 4, 2009

8 of Wands (Swiftness)

8 = Strength / Wands  = Energy(Will)


seeing thru deceptions

Denotes a busy, competitive time. Great energy needed. Increasing vitality. Hyper-activity. Many enterprises ongoing at the same time. Motivation. Extroversion. Action required without planning or delays. Moving suddenly against opposition. Starting things with haste. Work done to catch up. Prioritization. Barriers overcome by decisiveness and swiftness. Productivity. Things taking off sooner than expected. Rapid results. Speed up in tempo and pace. No time for procrastination. Being pulled in several directions at once. Successes coming in from several areas at once. Working against the clock. No hesitations. Enthusiasm. Brainstorming. Inspiration. Competition. Meeting demands adroitly. Over-achievement. Indicates travel, air-flights, dangerous or challenging sports and games. Warfare.

receiving news
getting an important message
obtaining a needed bit of information
finding the missing puzzle piece
discovering the truth
having a meaningful conversation
learning more

taking quick action
making your move
striking while the iron is hot
declaring yourself openly
putting plans into action
rushing into a new area
moving into high gear
getting caught up in change

Swiftness.  Speech.  Light.  Electricity.  Energy of high velocity.  Activity.  Approach to goal.  Letter of message.  Rapidity.   Boldness.  Freedom.  

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