Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Emperor

First off i notice that the color sceme is quite similar to the queen of wands color sceme...vice versa actually.

his position is kind of like a yoga posture..doesn't look very comfortable. seems like he is focusing his intent.

he is facing the red ram, he focusing on manifestation of form/active force. the body's position also implies the shape of the tree of life. this is giving a clue to the nature of tarot cards in themselves; i.e. that if the tree is superimposed upon a card, one can glean more info by where the picture seems to be 'focused' upon the tree.

for example he is looking to his right, while pointing his staff the other direction. his staff shows the position of this card on the tree, while he holds the globe in the position of Tipareth- Will/Solar Energy.

here we see a confident face, attached to a body that has been pieced together by the 'sponsors'
i.e. he has 'connections'. note that he stands upon a 'card' table...maybe 'the tower' card should be a can opener*

reason - william blake

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