Saturday, January 31, 2009

Knight of Pentacles

Friday, January 30, 2009

9 of Pentacles


Thursday, January 29, 2009


'Allowing for other people's shortcomings today can make everyone more relaxed. And, paradoxically, this can improve overall productivity.' -today's horoscope

click here for an early temperance reading*

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

6 of Cups



fond memories*

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 of Pentacles

manifestation of inner vision*

feeling good about one's accomplishments.

recognition of work well done...
your work is not going un-noticed*

Monday, January 26, 2009

5 of Cups

upon looking at the thoth deck version of this card, i get the 'feeling' it is somehow akin to 'the hanged man' as it is an inverted pentacle/pentagram. the human body forms a five-pointed star when arms and legs are stretched out.

in the osho zen tarot deck, this card is titled:

it's time to let go of past hurts and/or desires. time to make way for new relationships and new vibes.

see here for more on osho deck.

Virgo Horoscope for week of January 22, 2009

Verticle Oracle card Virgo (August 23-September 22)
"Many people feel guilty about things they shouldn't feel guilty about," wrote journalist Sydney J. Harris, "in order to shut out feelings of guilt about things they should feel guilty about." Your assignment is to figure out whether this description applies to you. If it does, be brave as you expose the truly guilt-worthy stuff you've repressed. Helpful cosmic energies will flow your way if you uncover what you need to atone for and then atone for it.

from: (rob brezsny)

this rendering from the druidcraft deck, implies time to get moving after your rest period (four's)
[ i drew The Emperor yesterday, and i did have a rather slow moving, relaxing day, even while getting things done] this rendering also implies letting go, for the benefit of all involved*

click here for previous posts on this card*

click below for more interpretations:

zen flesh, zen bones

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Emperor

First off i notice that the color sceme is quite similar to the queen of wands color sceme...vice versa actually.

his position is kind of like a yoga posture..doesn't look very comfortable. seems like he is focusing his intent.

he is facing the red ram, he focusing on manifestation of form/active force. the body's position also implies the shape of the tree of life. this is giving a clue to the nature of tarot cards in themselves; i.e. that if the tree is superimposed upon a card, one can glean more info by where the picture seems to be 'focused' upon the tree.

for example he is looking to his right, while pointing his staff the other direction. his staff shows the position of this card on the tree, while he holds the globe in the position of Tipareth- Will/Solar Energy.

here we see a confident face, attached to a body that has been pieced together by the 'sponsors'
i.e. he has 'connections'. note that he stands upon a 'card' table...maybe 'the tower' card should be a can opener*

reason - william blake

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Queen of Wands

creative, and able to get things done
(note the pine-cone & winged globe...

strong sense of inner vision)

[connection to Strength/Lust]

gladly working for the benefit of everyone

strong & independant...yet, willing to help*
(don't piss her off!!!)

Friday, January 23, 2009


"She (Justice) can tell you you're in the process of making a Big Decision in your life. As a Major Arcana, she represents matters of destiny, big choices that impact the course of your life. As advice she urges you to consider all the evidence, weigh it, and above all: Be Fair! Sometimes you may need to cut something out of your life in the process of balancing those scales or add something in order to find that equilibrium. Her sword, just like all the swords in tarot, represents wisdom and communication, but it also stands for just punishment for wrongdoers. Be careful where you point that thing.

More often than not, as a Major it represents a decision that will impact you rather than one you have to make. It can point to events occurring through which divine justice will be evidenced, karmic balance. There's no need to fear Justice's sword unless you've been racking up check marks in the naughty column. Even so, you will know that when it comes down you deserved it. Above all, she is fair and there isn't any railing against her, even though you might be kicking your own backside up the street."

-Ginny Hunt

this is MA'AT, listed as '9' the hermit in this deck, however, as ginny hunt has called out MA'AT is the weigher of men's hearts. more fitting for justice in my, and others opinions*

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Page of Swords

got to this one 'next day'...

i did all of the sudden decide i was going to do some caulking and painting today...
...for free...

then i worked all night till midnite....for free....

i had a band rehearsal..and...i did play my guitar for quite awhile as well later in the day*

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 of Wands

" wanna hear what i think eh?"

so far today i felt to write abit about an issue that concerns me...

here is the link:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

4 of Cups

Monday, January 19, 2009

Page of Wands

this morning i woke up and the first thing i saw was a sticker i had put on my guitar case awhile was the Sobe logo, 2 lizards chasing each other in a circle...then i noticed the drape over the door right beside the guitar case...also has lizards of a similar fashion on it...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

7 of Swords

"Sevens take a stand based on an unseen but strongly felt inner truth"

"Sevens deal with the activation of imagination and of manifesting results in our lives through the use of conscious thought and awareness."

"The Seven of Swords is a card rather disliked by many readers.

This is the "thief" card, the one who steals your possessions, your ideas, or even your heart.
This one is sneaky and calculating.

Where's the mysticism in this card?

What's so lofty or spiritual about this guy? Sevens are rather solitary action cards,
in that the seeker is acting upon deeply held beliefs of their own. Our spiritual quest is, ultimately, a solitary one and the sevens depict figures engaging in thought, action, feelings and ponderings that are unique to themselves.

In this card, the main figure has decided to act upon a plan that he devised and is carrying out on his own. Whether the action is ultimately just or unjust isn't clear from the card. He could be reclaiming what is rightfully his, or he could be stealing outright. He is engaging in some dangerous activity, though, which is a primary reason he's keeping this all to himself.

This is sometimes called the Lone Wolf card because of his acting apart from the group, keeping his thoughts to himself, maybe behaving a bit oddly. He believes he knows what's best and will do it whether he has support or not from others. He takes his own counsel, wise or not."

just as the last time i drew this card, i was at a party. a party that i really would have rather have stayed home for. i also left 'early' just like last time. Also like the last time...i actually had a good time playing music and was pleasantly surprized about it*

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Knight Of Swords

well...the one thing i can say is i have been very busy over the last week socially...
so busy in fact that i have not had time to comment on these daily drawings too much.
this is definitely something to consider about the cards themselves*

today i was 'forced' to take a repose from work things, as i locked my keys in the car when i went to get kerosene for the house heater...which was a 'problem' in and of itself.

'preoccupied with material affairs'

i found a cool blog this morning that i'd like to get back to soon...
i have a lot of ideas and writings that pertain to the theme of the blog...
will be interesting to find similarites and more info etc*

Friday, January 16, 2009

Queen of Swords (2nd week)

worked from 3 till 3 ... no pay.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Tower

i got this card exactly one week ago today...
i can feel it in the air...

in aide to the 'cause' i've decided to carry 3 coins in my pocket...
(3 of pentacles*)
and to find some turquoise to wear as well*

well..i forgot the turquoise. ;)

i did wind up helping someone put together some industrial shelving "towers" this day...
happily, the day took on the positive characteristics of this card*

Wednesday, January 14, 2009