Tuesday, December 30, 2008

5 of Swords (Defeat/Comparison)

FIVE OF SWORDS - The Lord of Defeat.

"for the benefit of 'all involved'...'within my circle of friends'..."

someone is not being truthful ;  slanderous even. (?)

'Deceit, slander, quarrels. Grudges, rumors, gossip. Disputes. Interference. Suspicions. Crudity.
Having things done behind our back. 
Denotes lies, misleading information, perjury. Disinformation.
Stealing the thoughts or ideas of others. Misuse of power. Comparison.
Acute worry or mental stress. Being overly opinionated.'

 - the above is taken from Michael Tsarion's Taroscopes pages

    i pull this card at least once a month..
      an 'opposite' of this card, is Temperance...
         which was the card i got yesterday.

when i get these types of cards i do try to stabalize the energies as much as possible by being as honest as possible, both with myself and with others.

 while cards like this one tend to make one feel a little ill at ease at first glance...

there is good opportunity for much revelation here.

 i  get a visual impression from the thoth deck of this representing a woman's menstrual cycle as well.
let's take a look at some of the other artistic renderings for this card, and see what we get from them:
(i.e. comparison)

synch to Temperance for obvious resons.

a synch to the thoughts on the menstrual cycle theme


'problems with a woman again' - z. marley

...'reflections' is a synch here...
as she seems to be reflecting on her current condition*

i'd say that about sums it up...mind focused on the negative.
         i.e. 'Acute worry or mental stress'

'The way to find out who you are is not by comparing yourself with others, but by looking to see whether you are fulfilling your own potential in the best way you know how.' - Osho

upon 'reflecting' all this thru my wife...she suggested that, since i seem to get this card once a month, perhaps it's My Menstrual Cycle so to speak. she even offered to kick me in the pelvis to give a more full effect* ;) apparently...it's my time to reflect*

christian music is annoying me...
as i figured...arguments with son...
not surprising.

 eh uhm....anyway.... ;)

i noticed awhile ago that in the rider-waite cards...
i saw a reflection of my emotions during the course of the day.
in other words, i saw each figure in the card as the same person, walking thru the day.

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